Sunday, December 9, 2007

Seafood in Provo


This is a photo of a fish market inside a huge supermarket called Smith's. I've recently started to cook salmon, and it's been a real tasty treat. Smith's is a huge warehouse stocked full of food. It's open all day everyday, except for major holidays.

French: Il s'agit d'une photo d'un marché aux poissons intérieur d'un immense supermarché appelé Smith. J'ai récemment commencé à faire cuire le saumon, et ça a été un vrai pur régal. Smith est un immense entrepôt rempli de vivres stockés. Il est ouvert tous les jours 24 / 7, sauf pour les grandes vacances.

1 comment:

Jilly said...

This looks absolutely delicious! Nice photograph.

You asked about a website for La Cave de Gorbio. I don't believe she has one but in any case, you'd never get an order to America in time for Christmas. I will see Frederique tomorrow tho, and will ask her. If she has a website (don't think so) I'll let you know.

Thanks for visiting Menton DP.